The leg (I get the tail when I split a lamb with my friend Jill ..she gets the head ..and I am happy for her)
I don't cut this would make me throw up my husband uses reciprocating saw with a bag to protect it and an off shelf blade ...(no I don't worry about the paint flaking off into the doesn't ..and even if it did it is bright yellow I am thinking I would notice it)

I seasoned the lamb with salt, pepper, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, a few allspice berries, smashed up in the mortar and pestal ..toss the lamb with the seasonings 2 onions cut up and a head of garlic peeled and smashed

add a few bay leaves and roast all the pieces especially the tail if you can get one in a 500 degree oven until nicely browned on all sides

now just pack all those pieces with the onions, garlic, juices and about 3 cups of water into a Dutch oven and bake all day at about 200F

when the meat is fall off the bone tender remove it drain off the broth and shred the meat

if you do this correctly you should have a about two cups of rendered lamb fat and at least a quart of some of the most intense lamb stock you have ever tasted...

this is my chile colorado ..I used two cups of that lamb stock ..about 1/4 cup of the lamb fat New Mexican red chile and a secret I will never tell ...bring it to a boil stiring for five min until it is nice, thick and deep red

green chiles roasted under the broiler

time to assemble

green chiles and crema

pile high with roasted lamb and some chile colorado

what else would you do with that fantastic stock? caldo ...more on that later ...

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